Visiting an Elementary School

If I had to choose a favorite day from my trip, this would probably be it. We went to visit an elementary school to donate/install a few computers, and teach the kids a few things about them. We divided into two groups, so the group that wasn’t working on the computers got to play outside and basically have a mini field day. We taught them how to do the hokey pokey, and they taught us a new way of playing hopscotch.  I also got some beautiful flowers from a little boy who climbed to the top of a tree to pick them for me! (For the record, if I could speak Vietnamese I would’ve told him to come down because I was so nervous that he would fall…) 

All in all, it was a great day and I’ll cherish its memories forever. 


Vietnamese Cuisine

To give you all a “taste” of what I’ve been eating the past month, I decided to dedicate a post just for that. For the most part, I really enjoyed Vietnamese food. It was very different than what I’m used to (they don’t serve hamburgers there…), but I was pleasantly surprised. I’ve never been one to be adventurous with what I eat and I’ve always thought that I hated seafood. I can now say that I’ve eaten snake!! (although never again). And that fish can be really tasty.